The Neverending Story

I apologize that I have not been entirely consistent with the posts every week. I hope to be on point every time in the future.

I’m a little lost when it comes to what to write today. My mind has not been much on anything literary lately. I am living at home now, just graduated from college. It will take some time for it to sink in that I am not actually going back there–that I have no more classes to take, no more tests, no more dorm room, no more cafeteria food (thank goodness.) Most of all, I have not fully grasped that I don’t know when I will see my college friends and acquaintances next. And that’s most of my community.

I have no idea what direction I’m going! (Pardon the associative leap). College is not home, home is not home, nowhere on earth is home. Life after college for the past few days feels like drifting out into the Pacific Ocean. I could go anywhere. Anything could happen. (Though that’s no different than any other point in time.) (This may also be a good warning to college students to plan better than me on what to do after college.)

Even so, I am a writer, and will keep writing. I’ll write this blog, I’ll write to friends, I’ll try to find jobs in writing and editing, and I’ll keep plugging away at what I’ve been given to write, because that’s the talent that God has given me to grow. As the band director of my college taught me, the goal is not, ultimately, to make oneself great through the perfection of one’s work, but to simply be doing whatever you’ve been given to do, whether that’s making music, making bridges, making art, or “doing” computers. As long as you’re doing that, you are glorifying God.

Though one part of my life has ended, and all that comes with it, the good and the bad–even if some friendships come to a close, for now–the story is not over, and it shall end in eternity, as one who is in Christ. That’s something I’ve learned in my Fantasy Literature course, through The Lord of the Rings and through Michael Ende’s The Neverending Story. As opposed to grabbing for the riches in life to make our own puny lives great, demanding of God that we have this or that or the other good, we can live each moment as a servant of God, a character that He loves and is working through and for, in the greatest story overall: the salvation of our souls through His death and resurrection for us.