C.E. Rohsner: My New Website

After many weeks and several months, I at last have a new author website up and running! I have my own website domain now, so it is entirely owned by me.

I only have Fish Out of Water as a literary work for sale, but there are people out there, particularly middle-high school aged children, who might be interested in it and the following versions and stories to come. I hope to complete stories for children, young adults, and adults, all most likely with some element of adventure in a semi-fantastical world.

You can learn more about them on the new website, which I will link here: cerohsner.com

Why Have Your Own Author Website?

From what I have read and heard across the Internet from reliable author sources, it is good for any author or aspiring author to have a website, even a simple one, for the sake of gaining real presence on the Internet. Whether you are self-published or traditionally published, you will need to have a plan and the will to promote your work.

It is up the every author how he or she goes about it, but some principles are necessary for everyone to follow, I’m sure. I am no expert, hardly even an amateur, but I do understand the simple yet difficult goal is this: send your message to the right audience in the best way. This is called rhetoric.

At school I was taught two definitions of rhetoric. The Christian version is “the clear and persuasive communication of truth,” and the secular one is “the act of a good man speaking well.” This is the goal of marketing in general, and one can be as creative as one wants about it.

There are many practical and technical aspects of this form of communication, of course, like email marketing and all. There is much to learn and do. However, writers ultimately write. Writers write, and creating the best work and enjoying it should always be central.

If you’re interested in following these writing ramblings of mine, feel free to follow me on WordPress or sign up by email! To keep in touch, follow me on Facebook.