The Power of Persuasion

“For they say, ‘His letters are weighty and strong, but his personal presence is unimpressive and his speech contemptible.’ Let such a person consider this, that what we are in word by letters when absent, such persons we are also in deed when present.” 2 Corinthians 10:10-11.

I thought that first sentence was kind of funny; lest I take that verse out of context I included the sentence after it. Take it as you will. It was an encouragement to me, for I consider myself also to be much better communicative in writing than in speech and much more compelling there than in person. Yet when it comes to persuasion that I am in the middle of writing the best YA fantasy series of the decade, never mind the century, and that I am so going to write it all and make it so successful (monetarily), who would believe me? Or anyone? I suppose anyone, if they had the power of persuasion.

I was reading one of my friend’s latest email to me. She asked me if I will write the other two books once I’m done writing this second one. I simply replied, that we shall see what the ultimate fate of these books are; it’s unknown . . . Inwardly the little coals are still burning. As Poirot might say, “The little grey cells, they are working!”

I told my mom yesterday that I am writing a lot, getting on with Chapter 7. “That’s good . . . I guess,” was her response. I expressed to her my aversion to promoting myself. “Then don’t do it.” “Don’t do it? You mean, give up?” I asked, resistant. My mom replied something to the affect of “For now. You know you can’t make a living off of it, anyhow.”

Meanwhile, someone on the Facebook writer’s group replied to my question about when to start book promotion (hopefully it’s okay I quote this):

Greetings Catherine, I tend to start a few months out. After getting my work into publishing format (actually up on the Amazon KDP site), I then work with a PR firm to do blog visits, interviews, and promotions. Often times, the PR firm has mailing lists they use to reach out to readers. At some point in that month, there is typically a cover reveal, where the book cover art is slowly revealed to the participants. Gifts and vlog interviews sometimes follow. Then, I might offer up my book for pre-order. This way, I can judge the interest in my book – and do more advertising and promotions if needed. 😀

“Wow,” I thought. “I have so much to learn.” “Dang right I do!” my critical self reacts.

I could say more, but I feel like a lot would come out like a bunch of jabber about how I’m incompetent and don’t know what I’m doing. Here’s what I do know, if you will bear with me:

It was at the old shool house that I learned two definitions of rhetoric: 1) the Christian/school version: Rhetoric is the clear and persuasive communication of the truth. 2) the secular/ancient version: Rhetoric is the art of a good man speaking well.

So, what is the truth about my writing and me as an author? What is the truth about your writing and you as an author (but pardon me, you may very well have a lot more experience than me)? I’d love to hear about you and your writing, because I’m getting tired of just talking about my own story. But I shall divulge a little further.

I am a writer who wants to never stop writing as if I am playing pretend. My utmost potential for glory and purpose as a writer, and the utmost fruitfulness in my writing, will come when I desire my kingdom to grow less, and God’s kingdom to grow more. No preachy inserts in the storyline or overt moralism, just an absolute submission to the mission of God, the Ultimate Author of the whole story of this world. Let’s see how that happens.