Taking a Break

I just took a free course created by a Christian writers organization called Story Embers, which focused on Mindset. I cannot tell you how vital this course was to me this past week, because without these friends coming alongside me at this time, I question if I would have even continued to consider myself a writer.

As I was saying a couple blog posts ago, it is sometimes easy to think of just giving up completely, take down everything you’ve published, stop writing, stop thinking about writing, and stop believing that you are or can be a writer. It simply is not “realistic.” No one can make a living just on writing fiction. Well, J.F. Penn and K.M. Weiland are two examples of authors who make it pretty well with their writing.

In any case, what mental blocks are really holding me back if I truly enjoy storywriting? Poetry pours out of me regularly like a breath, not the best poetry, but something. Paintings come out of me just as naturally, just over a longer period of time. Why can’t writing? If you are having any discouragement in your writing, consider critically what your mental blocks may be and ask yourself if the claims they make are true.

If you are really a writer who desires to stick it for the long haul, your desire first of all is a good sign. Secondly, if this is the case, Story Embers has three main points to take to heart: 1) Success is about skill, knowledge, planning, research, practice, discipline, etc., not luck. Practice a lot. 2) Surround yourself with support and respect your own writing. 3) Figure out a realistic plan to get where you want to go. It’s doable! As these are principles meant to set writers free, I am hopeful that Story Embers does not mind me sharing this general info.

In the meantime, today is my first day working from home. It shall be an adventure! I think I also need to focus on finishing writing the first draft of the second book I am working on, and make it a priority. Although I have come very much to enjoy blogging, I think I will experiment in taking a break, at longest until November 1, 2019. I am unaccustomed to writing while writing about writing, and wonder if taking a break from that for a while will help me focus on the world at hand. It’s time to stop writing in the corner at midnight and start scrawling down the pages in broad daylight. It’s time to walk the talk, and sometimes that means to stop talking. It’s time to press on toward the goal.

I am thinking of sharing one more post soon, but until further notice, check out any past blog posts you might think interesting, take a look at my writings on WriteSpike and in Adelaide Literary Magazine, and check out Fish Out of Water on Amazon. I shall see you anon!