Merry Christmas!

Dear people who have taken an interest in this blog,

Merry Christmas, and merry 2nd day of Christmas! Hopefully, wherever you are, you have had a great holiday. I wish I could call you something else besides “people interested in this blog,” and “followers” sounds very weird and not quite right to me, if you understand me, as Sam Gamgee would say. I recognize that each one of you is full of life that I can scarcely imagine, full of talents and interests and thoughts and relationships that go back far before when any of you were born. Does this sound weird?

Anyhow, dear friends, I would like to thank you for sticking around, for showing you care through liking my posts, and for subscribing. Thank you! I am just a person online who is trying to figure out what she’s doing, in a way, while needling through life and creative writing projects and art projects. And I have thoughts sometimes…about these things.

If I may break into a short note about one of these current thoughts in a not-so-smooth segue, I have continued to work on Book 2, but am still in Chapter 15 out of 17. Even so, i am hopeful to finish by December 31. Also, if it is possible, the soonest I would self-publish it would be August 27, 2020. The first book has not done well if we are looking for plentiful and constant sales, but it is what it is and has been a delight to those who’ve read it so far. It’s okay to start small.