In Shambles

Have you ever gotten to the point in your writing when you realized you’ve really hit a rut? You just haven’t make nearly enough progress at all for what you’d wish? In some ways, there really is no help because it’s up to what you want to do about it. There is many a motivational speech out there to help you to get back on your feet after your creative life has fallen into disarray, but ultimately, it comes down to whether or not you really want to continue or not.

This whole summer, I may have only slowly inched forward in my current work-in-progress book by a total of four pages. This is downright sad. At the same time, I am in transition and was able to think more about what direction I really want to take the series (or who knows, it might just end up as one big book at the end.) I don’t think I could in my right mind give this project up for good. The Oxborough Series, as it is now named, has too much potential and I’ve been carrying it for way too long. Even so, there is a bit of magic in the aging process of thought on a book.

Ultimately, the writer’s life is a definite journey. It takes brutal perseverance. This is not all it takes, though. We are also given help along the way so we can march on, no matter how slowly or how quickly we go.