Crunch Time

Life goes on the same; I’m still living, my best friends are still around, and my book Fish Out of Water is still for sale on Amazon. What’s different? God heard our prayers and opened up a job for me! I am now full-time and driving not a short distance to work every day, sitting at a computer and learning and doing. Unintentionally, practicing this blog has helped to prepare me, as I am writing blog posts in a short time for different businesses in the area all day. While some parts may be tedious, I don’t mind, and I enjoy doing it.

Does this mean the coveted career Americans must have to be successful will cover over my time as an artist? So far it hasn’t. I have still managed to paint and write two days in a row after work, even if it’s one sentence or one brush stroke at a time. And I believe that what I’m doing at work can only help you, reader, as I learn how to do computers better. 🙂