Again, Don’t Give Up

How are you? The room I am in is quite sunny with the morning, and it is very nice. Once I start working from home, it will be nice to start the day in here. Anyhow, artistic things must go on.

And this is where things can be both very easy and very difficult to endure. Can you imagine life without your art? Can you “do” what you do best, and still have a “stable income?” I’m certain there are those of you who are. Yet in the meantime, it may feel very tempting to just give up. Give up your endeavors, give up staying up late at night to continue a project, and prioritize what makes money. As Cathy Hay of Foundations Revealed reminded me briefly, though, the results of what you love to do may really not matter. The money, recognition, fame, etc. is all fluff compared to the worth of doing your work which you were called to do.

As cliche as it may be, there are times we really need the reminder: keep going. Don’t give up. Happy Thursday!