“Snapshot” Poetry

I want to share with y’all a poetry exercise I did in class a week or so ago. It’s patterns are meant to be 1+1+1, 1+2, and 2+1. This form of poetry is new to me, but it was fun, and I hope you might enjoy these pieces while also seeing a few snapshots of my life currently.


a house on the snow,

the imagination warms bright.



a wide patch of snow,

I ruin it with a circle made with feet.




Peer pressure—

waiting to write something

at a crowded table of acquaintances.



the means of focus

that connects us.




The modern gothic chandelier

hangs from its wooden buttress—

Quiet aesthetic.


A GIF of Elmo

Largely gestures with a shrug—

My life in a nutshell.


All of these stanzas were taken from real events, images, and a text message conversation. 🙂