Pray About Everything

It can be easy to get overwhelmed by our feelings or the circumstances of this world. It may seem . . . well, how can I say what it may seem like? There are infinite ways that an un-ideal situation may seem, because each person feels a slightly different pain and joy alike. Though we can comfort, encourage, and delight one another with the similar or dissimilar experiences we’ve had. Stories can sometimes be the only way of relating a thing.

Have you ever felt like you should stop writing the project you’re working on? Have you ever felt stuck or paralyzed about it? In some way, that’s what I’m dealing with. Some matters are external, like how to solve a problem with a plot line, while others have to do with the mind, like wondering if you have any will left for a story or if you can be yourself in it.

I have probably said so in other blog posts in the past, but something I am remembering again recently is how you can pray to God for help. You can go to him directly, and He promises to answer you. I have been reminded, like a far-off call, of God’s promise to be with me wherever in the world I am and in whatever situation, even if it’s my fault. No problem is too big or too insignificant for Him. So whatever problem you are working on in life, if you are writing or not writing, there is Someone Who knows your unique self and your situation exactly Who promises to be your faithful Guide, if you let Him.