It’s Not About Me

I thought a few days ago of what I’d write today; I thought of writing on how numerous famous writers were not famous in their lifetime–rather the opposite–and how John Keats wrote for his epitaph that his name is “writ in water.” But, as interesting as that might be (to me at least), the result might have ended up very self-centered indeed.

I watched a video by my good friend Quistones on YouTube, on how he was convicted by the Bible that life and the things he does/creates are not about him. It’s not about building ourselves up, making ourselves look great, making ourselves into that person we imagine is so glorious.

In Christian circles I’ve often heard the Westminster confession: What is the purpose of life? To glorify God and enjoy Him forever. But what does glorifying God look like? I’ve always thought that focusing on God and living for Him almost means forgetting about other people altogether, basically forgetting that they exist!

Another way to put “glorify God” is “be there for other people.” To do worthwhile things for other people. I would like to write books that people will actually read, and I know extremely little about marketing them (and I kind of despise the job), but I know that–and pray–that people need to read the books I want to write, namely, The Oxborough Series. I know that there is a need–and while I won’t even try to put a message into these books, the need for these stories is what motivates me to keep going with them.

Rather than a cause to forget others, focusing on God is a means of putting everyone, including yourself, into the right light.