The birds are tweeting, the sun is shining, and I’m awake. I also FINISHED BOOK 2!!!!!!!!!!!!! On December 31, at around 11:14 PM, I raced through the finishing lines of the story.

A year and a half ago, I made a list of goals for 2018-2019. One goal was to make a 2nd edition of Fish Out of Water, one was to do 12 watercolor paintings, another was to finish the “first draft of Book 2 (end of December.) I still have not accomplished the first two, and I did the third by the second December hoped for. I did, however, manage to get 9 fine art print listings onto my Etsy store, LightofDelight.

I cannot tell which I’d rather do: jump headlong through Books 3 and 4, and edit all of them afterwards, or to start from the beginning . . . Yeah, I’ll start from the beginning, and then look at the story as a whole, answer some fundamental questions about this world, and shift around plots and moods and ideas until I come up with something a little more presentable for whoever my editor(s) may be.

I found I could not make a 2020 New Year resolutions/project goals list so far, because what I have to do involves in too many steps and waiting to see what the best road ahead is. New opportunities could crop up as well that I wouldn’t be able to foresee. Who knows what this year will bring? Who knows what the year will bring for you!

Have you made any resolutions or goals for this year or decade? Also, Happy belated New Year and ninth day of Christmas! And Happy early Twelfth Night!